The Internet library projects

The Kurdish Internet Library (KIL) is created for saving the cultural heritage of the Kurdish people for the future generations. The KIL group creates the digital library where each person can find any information about Kurds, also can study and investigate a contribution the Kurdish people made for the general world culture. We are looking for the supporters worldwidefor these projects fulfilling.

  1. To create the National digital library.A few people in the world know about the ancient history and the richest culture of the Kurdish people. We are ready to carry out a complex work on books digitization about Kurds in public libraries worldwide and we are ready to provide these books for the readers using our digital library for free. Our work will make these books available for everyone.
  2. To hold the international conference for the Kurdish librarians in coordination with the Kurdish digital library standards, the discussion of joint activities for collecting and digitization the materials about the Kurdish cultural heritage.
  3. To begin the translation of the best Kurdish books about the Kurdish people and its history published in the world in different languages. Books about the Kurdish people are published in many languages of the world, but it is not possible to know all languages. Our work will give a chance for the Kurdish researchers and for the people who are interested in the Kurdish history to examine the works of the foreign authors.
  4. To create the open educational resources portal containing hundreds of free courses, video lectures and additional materials from the universities of the Iraqi Kurdistan for everyone who wants to get an independent education in the Kurdish language.

The Edition of the Ezidi sacred writing books. Ezidizm – is the primordial religion of the Kurdish people and is one of the most ancient religions in the world. In every world religion there is a sacred book (the Bible, the Koran, etc.) in which all the dogmas, cults and traditions of the belief are written down, postulates the obligatory or recommended for all the adherents and are also mentioned the historical data, myths and the biography of some historic facts and people who left an important mark in the history of the belief formation. Despite the antiquity, Ezidi belief has no such a book until these days.