Ответственный редактор: Ольдерогге Д. А.
Countries and peoples of the East. Vol. XXV.
Ответственный редактор: Кроль Ю. Л.
Countries and peoples of the East. Vol XXIX.
Countries and peoples of the East. Vol. VI.
Countries and peoples of the East. Vol. V. 1967
Редактор: Кастельская З. Д.
Countries and peoples of the East. Vol. IV.
Редактор: Королев А. В.
Countries and peoples of the East. Vol. III
Редактор: Струве В. В, Королев А. В.
Countries and peoples of the East. Vol. II.
Редактор: Струве В. В
Countries and peoples of the East. Vol. I.
Alexey Vigasin History of the Ancient East
Arminius Vambury Traveling in Central Asia (Stories about the countries of the East)
Evgeny Belyaev Arabs, Islam and the Arab Caliphate in the early Middle Ages.
Vyacheslav Belokrenitsky East in world political processes.